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Heart Healthy Luncheon

Collage of Lake Forest Place residents doing heart-healthy activities

In Celebration Of American Heart Month, Lake Forest Place Invites You To Join Us For A Heart Healthy Lunch & Learn.

It’s safe to say that everyone already knows the massive impact of the foods they eat on their heart’s health. Of course, other factors can also increase one’s risk of having heart disease. Poor diet remains to be the top contender in endangering a senior’s heart health. Join us for a complimentary lunch and informative presentation on how to maintain a healthy heart.

Join us for lunch to learn:
• Things to do every day to keep your heart healthy
• The best foods to choose for a heart friendly diet
• Heart healthy exercises
• And much more!

Click here to learn more and to register.


February 27
11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Event Category:


Lake Forest Place
1100 Pembridge Drive
Lake Forest, IL 60045 United States
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